
What are chapters?

We approach the creation of a global chapter like a startup. We want to understand what drives you and why you’re passionate about aging innovation. We assist with chapter setup, and will provide you with the tools and connections necessary for success. Creating a chapter is a nimble, iterative process in search of a sustainable business model. Aging2.0 chapters consist of individuals including entrepreneurs, industry experts, investors, press, older adults, academics, nonprofit professionals, government officials and those from other walks of life.

OUr Goals

Build Ecosystems of Innovation

Bring together innovators to break down barriers and encourage others to work in the aging innovation industry through enriching events.

Strengthen Aging2.0

Find cutting-edge startups, identify the most innovative industry leaders and recruit more people to join the Aging2.0 movement.

Share Resources,
Best Practices & Insights

Find resources, collect data and gain insights from chapter members and events, identify trends and openly share knowledge with the greater Aging2.0 community.

Chapter Map
Startup Mentality

Approach the creation of a global chapter as a startup – a nimble, iterative process in search of a sustainable business model.

Creating Ecosystems

Develop rich ecosystems in each chapter – including startups, industry leaders, investors, older adults, academics, nonprofits, government officials and more.

Collaborate with Existing Players

Plug in to local events and organizations already working in the space.

Peer Groups

Create space for those involved to develop new networks within their region, as well as collaborate with peer groups globally.

Regular Communication

Send monthly newsletter to global audience and facilitate monthly chapter calls for ambassadors.

Sustainable Business

Compensate chapters for their efforts through event fees, sponsorships and other revenue opportunities.

Bottom Up & Top Down

Supply resources, processes and content but invite  local chapters to raise awareness around issues they care about the most, and that may be localized.

Brand Differentiation

Utilize individual chapter brands to differentiate between HQ activities and chapters.

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